
VGST, GoK research project funding to Dr. Shwetha H R and Dr. Shyam Lal

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VGST, GoK research project funding to Dr. Shwetha H R and Dr. Shyam Lal

Project Team:

Project Investigator(PI) : Dr. Shwetha H R, Assistant Professor, Dept. Of Water Resources and Ocean Engineerong,

Project Co-Investogator: Dr. Shyam Lal, Associate Professor, Dept. Of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Project Title: Quantitative retrieval and spatio-temporal analysis of soil quality parameters using Geospatial datasets and machine learning techniques in Western Plains and Ghat regions of Karnataka

Funding Agency: Vision Group on Science and Technology(VGST), Department of Electronics, Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka

VGST Scheme: Grant for Research Excellence(GRE)

Grant No: GRD No.1117/2022-2023/638

Funding Amount: Rs. 40 Lakhs

Project Duration : 2 years(2024 to 2026)