
Indian patent grant to Nagaraj K, Nityananda Shetty, Darshak R Trivedi

Home >Indian patent grant to Nagaraj K, Nityananda Shetty, Darshak R Trivedi

Name of Inventors:  Mr. Nagaraj K, Prof. A. Nityananda Shetty, and Dr. Darshak R Trivedi, Department of Chemistry, NITK

Patent No: 433799

Date of grant: 06/06/2023

Title:Method to determine and differentiate inorganic arsenic ions (arsenite, As3+ and arsenate As5+) & a method of synthesis of receptor R

Inventors: Mr. Nagaraj K, Prof. A. Nityananda Shetty, Dr. Darshak R Trivedi

Indian patent grant to Mr. Nagaraj K, Prof. A. Nityananda Shetty, Dr. Darshak R Trivedi