
Dr. V. Sreenath, Deprt. of Physics published two articles in journal

Home >Dr. V. Sreenath, Deprt. of Physics published two articles in journal

Dr. V. Sreenath, Department of Physics published two articles, in Physical Review Letters, the world's premier physics letter journal.


For the  paper titled "Predictions for the Cosmic Microwave Background from an Anisotropic Quantum Bounce" (https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.251301), he collaborated with Dr. Ivan Agullo and Dr. Javier Olmedo (currently at Universidad de Granada, Spain) from Louisiana State University, USA. 


For the second article titled "Alleviating the tension in the cosmic microwave background using Planck-scale physics" (https://journals.aps.org/prl/accepted/cd07eYe9C961795f89528077e8b30968464907750), he collaborated with researchers from Penn State University, Prof. Abhay Ashtekar, Dr. Brajesh Gupt and Dr. Donghui Jeong.